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ph000039Shops on North Side of Main Street, 1981Image Central business districts; Art galleries-commercial; Stores-retail; gift shops; Automobiles; Snow
Subject: Central business districts; Art galleries-commercial; Stores-retail; gift shops; Automobiles; Snow
Description:Street view of shops along the north side of Main Street/Highway 74 including Red Ram, Evergreen Crafters, Silver Squash gallery (Leased By Jan Roberts; Previously Leased By Jean & Dan Treece), Hands Of Man, and Christmas Carol, circa 1981.
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a>
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ph000027Red Ram, Downtown Evergreen, 1981Image Central business districts; Bars (Drinking establishments); Automobiles; Stores-retail; Clothing; Drugstores; Methodist church; Dance venue; Snow
Subject: Central business districts; Bars (Drinking establishments); Automobiles; Stores-retail; Clothing; Drugstores; Methodist church; Dance venue; Snow
Description:Side view of Red Ram, Little Bear, Evergreen Drug and Soda, Dance Hall, and Methodist Church, circa 1981.
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000191Bergen House, Side ViewImageAutomobiles ; Building, Wooden ; Houses ; Wood ; Trees
Subject:Automobiles ; Building, Wooden ; Houses ; Wood ; Trees
Description:Thomas & Judith Bergen's 2nd House, Bergen Park, Remodeled By Dick Phelps, circa 1985.
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000337; JCHS.05164Starbuck Main StreetImageAutomobiles; Buildings; Postcards ;Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Automobiles; Buildings; Postcards ;Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:View of the main street of Starbuck, now known as Idledale, Colorado. A sign in the forefront reads, "Dancing, the Log Cabin, cafe in connection" and another that reads, "Wheeler's Lunch Room". An old automobile in front of the buildings along the road. Inscription along bottom reads, "Starbuck, Colo 1925 Now Called Idledale". Information source: Don Sailer [show more]
ph000335; JCHS.05118Starbuck ParkImageAutomobiles; Landscapes; Historic Sites; Parks; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Automobiles; Landscapes; Historic Sites; Parks; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Starbuck Park in the early 1930s along Bear Creek. Bottom left inscription reads, "Starbuck Park". Information source: Hazel Humphrey
ph000283; JCHS.00514Evergreen Main Street ImageAutomobiles; Transportation; Vehicles; Buildings; Advertisements; Waterways; Bridges; Evergreen Lake (Colo.); Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Automobiles; Transportation; Vehicles; Buildings; Advertisements; Waterways; Bridges; Evergreen Lake (Colo.); Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Partial view of stores in downtown Evergreen and a bridge over Bear Creek. Various advertisement signs scattered across sides of stores, and vehicles parked throughout the area. Information source: JCHS
ph000026Evergreen National BankImageBank buildings; Central business districts; Automobiles; Mountains--Colorado
Subject:Bank buildings; Central business districts; Automobiles; Mountains--Colorado
Description:View of the Evergreen National Bank (First National Bank and site of Thomas Transfer) on the north side of Main Street in downtown Evergreen, circa 1981.
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000133Main Street Looking East, 1925ImageBodies of water; Automobiles; Boulders; Trees; Hills; Buildings; Stores, retail
Subject:Bodies of water; Automobiles; Boulders; Trees; Hills; Buildings; Stores, retail
Description:View of downtown Evergreen and Bear Creek looking east, circa 1925.
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email<a href="mailto:%20HiwanEd@jeffco.us"> HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000238Noble Meadow Lake ConstructionImageBodies of water; Ranches–Colorado; Lakes; Construction projects
Subject:Bodies of water; Ranches–Colorado; Lakes; Construction projects
Description:Construction of lake across from Elk Meadow near Bergen Parkway near Troublesome Gulch. Source of Information: Sandy Crain
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000239Noble Meadow, Overhead ViewImageBodies of water; Ranches–Colorado; Lakes; Construction projects; Graders (Earthmoving machinery)
Subject:Bodies of water; Ranches–Colorado; Lakes; Construction projects; Graders (Earthmoving machinery)
Description:Noble Meadow near Troublesome Gulch, over head view of construction of lake being built across From Elk Meadow near Bergen Parkway. Source of Information: Sandy Crain
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]