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ph000398; JCHS.06451Bear Creek SwimmingImageWaterways; Landscapes; Evans, Swimming; Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Waterways; Landscapes; Evans, Swimming; Mount (Colo.)
Description:Swimming in Bear Creek near Evergreen. People hang out in and around the creek, surrounded by a wooden fence. A rope is strung from one side of the creek to the other, and children hold on to walk across the creek. Wooden cabins and pine trees in the background. Information source: Ann Bramhall [show more]
ph000404; JCHS.06468Bear Creek East of EvergreenImageWaterways; Landscapes; Buildings; Mountains; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Waterways; Landscapes; Buildings; Mountains; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Bear Creek at east end of Evergreen. A building stands on the right edge of a curving creek. The opposite side of the creek is crowded with pine trees. Similar view to ph000366.
ph000306; JCHS.01820Bear Creek Canyon Road In The Greystone EstateImageWaterways; Historic Sites; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Waterways; Historic Sites; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Upper Bear Creek Canyon Road as seen through the thick woodscape of Greystone Estate. Bear Creek runs through the center of the landscape. Information source: Bob Wilfley and Greystone bk
ph000305; JCHS.01819Bear Creek Canyon Road Near GreystoneImageWaterways; Historic Sites; Bridges; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Waterways; Historic Sites; Bridges; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Direct view of a lithic Bear Creek from Upper Bear Creek Canyon Road near Greystone, Colorado. A bridge crosses over the creek in the background, between thick woodscape. Information source: Bob Wilfley and Greystone bk
ph000402; JCHS.06459Bear Creek at DeDisse RanchImageWaterways; Cattle; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Parks; Mountains; Historic Parks; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Waterways; Cattle; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Parks; Mountains; Historic Parks; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Overhead view of Bear Creek at DeDisse Ranch just before Denver Mountain Parks began construction of Evergreen Lake. Open land and mountain ranges in background.
ph000401; JCHS.06455Bear Creek at DeDisse RanchImageWaterways; Cattle; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Mountains; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Waterways; Cattle; Landscapes; Evergreen Lakes (Colo.); Lakes; Mountains; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Shallow Bear Creek on DeDisse Ranch from before Evergreen Lake was created. A single cow ambles in the middle of the creek. A rocky, tree-covered hillside in the immediate background. Information source: Minnie Schneider
ph000411; JCHS.06512Horse and Buggy Near Morrison, ColoradoImageTransportation; Vehicles; Horses; Railroads; Waterways; Landscapes; Buildings; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Subject:Transportation; Vehicles; Horses; Railroads; Waterways; Landscapes; Buildings; Evans, Mount (Colo.)
Description:Horse and buggy traversing creek possibly in Morrison, Colorado. Three people sit inside of the buggy, a town within close view. Information source: Bill Nevius
ph000167Mrs. Humphrey and Hazel Lou, 1923ImageTrading posts; Women; Children; Buildings; Interior walls--Decoration; Memorabilia
Subject:Trading posts; Women; Children; Buildings; Interior walls--Decoration; Memorabilia
Description:Photograph of Mrs. Humphrey and Hazel Lou inside the Filius Park Trading Post, circa 1923.
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000166Filius Park Trading Post Exterior in Winter, 1923ImageTrading posts; Snow; Trees; Winter
Subject:Trading posts; Snow; Trees; Winter
Description:The old Filius Park Trading Post, part of Humphrey Kinnikinnick Ranch and later Mac's Antiques in 1974, Little Darlin's in 1978. Located in Filius Park. Circa 1923. Source of Information: Hazel Humphrey
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a> [show more]
ph000170Filius Park Trading Post, People on Stoop, 1924ImageTrading posts; Men; Children; Buildings; Wooden; Trees
Subject:Trading posts; Men; Children; Buildings; Wooden; Trees
Description:Exterior of the Filius Trading post with four people (two adults and two children) sit on steps in front of a log cabin. Signage on the cabin reads: "The Trading Post" and "Denver Tourist Bureau Branch" as well as "groceries," "iced drinks," "souvenirs," and "gift shop," 1924. Source of Information: Hazel Humphrey
For questions about reproduction and use of this item, please contact the Evergreen Mountain Area Historical Society email <a href="mailto:HiwanEd@jeffco.us">HiwanEd@jeffco.us</a>
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